Event Video : Business Resilience with LeSS

The Cornerstone of Survival and Success in the Telco and Connected AI Industry

LeSS - Business Resilience Webinar Video

Amplify Now Global and the Wireless Communications Alliance are organizing a Webinar, “Business Resilience: The Cornerstone of Survival and Success in the Telco and Connected AI Industry.” Join us for an engaging, interactive webinar exploring real-world business cases demonstrating how LeSS empowers Telco and IT companies to achieve Business Resilience. Learn how the LeSS principles can help your organization survive and thrive in the fast-evolving Connected AI landscape.

This webinar delves into the need for Business Resilience. Through business cases, we will showcase how organizations can become business resilient and what that means for their ability to navigate market challenges.

Join us for an engaging, interactive session exploring real-world business cases that demonstrate how LeSS empowers Telco and IT companies to achieve business resilience. Learn how LeSS principles can help your organization survive and thrive in the fast-evolving Connected AI landscape.

Resilience is about adapting, thriving under pressure, and maintaining a positive trajectory—especially in the face of challenges. Business resilience enables organizations not only to weather storms but also to lead change proactively, integrate new insights, and drive innovation. This is particularly critical in industries like telecommunications, where rapid technological advancements, shifting customer demands, and intense competition are constant factors.

To achieve business resilience, organizations need a system that fosters transparency, collaboration, accountability, and flexibility. These elements enable them to become product-centric, adapt dynamically, drive innovation, and optimize decision-making processes effectively. In this webinar, we will explore how LeSS enables organizations to build business resilience and what that means for their operational success.

This webinar will highlight the growing need for business resilience. Through real-world business cases, we will demonstrate how organizations can develop resilience and how that capability enhances their ability to navigate market challenges.

Please visithttps://less.works/business-resilience/what-is-less

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